Saturday, April 23, 2011

Robert Glenn Ketchum

 Robert Glenn Ketchum seems to be more of a conservationist than a "for profit photographer".  He is currently assisting the EPA to save some land in Alaska that is threatened by a Pebble mine.    He has written a couple of books but it seems that he is doing it more for environmental change than profit. 
©Roberg Glenn Ketchum
He has worked with the park director at a state reserve park in Alaska and produced a book depiction the need to conserve inholdings, which is an area of land that was transferred to state park reserve but still belongs to the native population. 
It is not so much that I love the work or Ketchum, it is more that I respect the message he is creating.  Preservation!   I love the outdoors and have seen first hand how people can trash beauty so I identify with him but I would get out of the helicopter and get up close and personal with the landscape and show, from a human perspective, what we are destroying. 

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